4 hours ago Gallagher Premiership 'Pivotal' deal will benefit young Premiership talent
New fixed 'rookie' wages agreed for top-flight Academy players.
It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Marcus Smith converts the try.
A wonderful passing move by Harlequins is finished off by Sam Riley
This is dangerous for the defence as Sam Riley bursts through to advance the Harlequins attack.
Alex Dombrandt sets up the try.
Lucas Friday comes on.
Will Porter comes off.
Ben Waghorn comes on.
Luke Northmore comes off.
Mike Rewcastle comes on.
Murray McCallum comes off.
Ollie Fletcher comes on.
Jamie Blamire comes off.
Louis Brown comes on.
Ben Stevenson comes off.
Max Pepper comes on.
Sam Stuart comes off.
Marcus Smith has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Harlequins is finished off by Oscar Beard
Cadan Murley played a key part in that try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Cadan Murley bursts through to advance the Harlequins attack.
A gap opened in the defence and Nick David took full advantage.
Newcastle Falcons decide to make a substitution, with Callum Hancock getting some game time.
Newcastle Falcons decide to make a substitution, with Richard Palframan being replaced.
Harlequins decide to make a substitution, with Sam Riley getting some game time.
Harlequins decide to make a substitution, with Jack Walker being replaced.
Marcus Smith has kicked a conversion.
Jack Walker scores the try from close range.
A gap opened in the defence and Jack Walker took full advantage.
The Newcastle Falcons supporters go wild as Brett Connon successfully kicks the conversion.
The kick through from Newcastle Falcons has allowed Ben Redshaw to touch down.
Ben Stevenson sets up the try.
Newcastle Falcons sub John Hawkins comes onto the field.
Kiran McDonald departs for Newcastle Falcons.
Newcastle Falcons sub Oliver Spencer comes onto the field.
Connor Doherty departs for Newcastle Falcons.
Alex Dombrandt comes on.
Will Evans comes off.
Dillon Lewis comes on.
Titi Lamositele comes off.
Wyn Jones comes on.
Fin Baxter comes off.
Marcus Smith makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
Newcastle Falcons make a substitution with Philip van der Walt coming on.
Newcastle Falcons make a substitution with Tom Gordon coming off.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Fabulous play by Newcastle Falcons has led to Tom Gordon being able to wriggle through a gap.
Marcus Smith does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Incisive passing by Harlequins is finished off by Marcus Smith, as they goes over for the try.
Fabulous play by Harlequins has led to Marcus Smith being able to wriggle through a gap.
That's a great try assist by Jarrod Evans.
Brett Connon does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
Silky skills by Newcastle Falcons ends with a try for Adam Radwan.
Trouble here as Adam Radwan breaches the defence.
Brett Connon sets up the try.
Irne Herbst (Harlequins) is shown a yellow card
Harlequins decide to make a substitution, with Irne Herbst getting some game time.
Harlequins decide to make a substitution, with Dino Lamb being replaced.
Harlequins make a substitution with Jarrod Evans coming on.
Harlequins make a substitution with Rodrigo Isgro coming off.
Marcus Smith converts the try.
A bit of individual brilliance by James Chisholm leads to a try for Harlequins
A gap opened in the defence and James Chisholm took full advantage.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.
New fixed 'rookie' wages agreed for top-flight Academy players.
Fin Smith’s path to international rugby has involved dealing with significant mental and physical challenges, including the oner…
Harlequins have signed former academy product Kieran Treadwell from Ulster ahead of next season.
England fly-half Marcus Smith has been labelled one of the "most dangerous players in the world" by Danny Care, who expects Steve …
Walker's try should not have been allowed - at least two players left the line out and were stood in an offside position before the ball was thrown to get an early momentum on the ensuing maul.
This happening a lot within the premiership.