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Search: Elis Martin


Le rugby international féminin n'a jamais été en aussi bonne santé, mais il n'est pas encore parfait. Voilà ce que j’espèr…

Claire Thomas
16 Jan 2024, 0:01

Just as is the case with the PWR - test match women’s rugby has never been in ruder health, but it’s certainly not perfect yet…

Claire Thomas
15 Jan 2024, 6:34

With the Premiership Women’s Rugby season about to kick off, it’s time to review who has moved where. Every team has signed so…

Matt Merritt
14 Nov 2023, 7:38

WXV 2 kicked off in spectacular fashion in South Africa last Friday. Against Scotland, a bone-rattling tackle from Libbie Janse va…

Imogen Ainsworth
Imogen Ainsworth
19 Oct 2023, 13:05

En remportant à Parme la première victoire de leur histoire sur l’Italie, mieux classée, les Sakura 15 sont passées devant l…

Kim Ekin
02 Oct 2023, 8:15

Both Wales and Scotland recorded wins over the USA and Spain respectively ahead of the inaugural WXV competition which starts on 1…

Lucy Lomax
02 Oct 2023, 4:45

L'Afrique du Sud, l'Italie, le Japon, les Samoa, l'Écosse et les États-Unis ont communiqué la composition de leur équipe de 30…

Willy Billiard
30 Sep 2023, 8:28

Suite à l'annonce de la liste des 30 joueuses de l'Écosse pour le WXV 2, on en sait un peu plus sur Demi Swann, Fiona McIntosh e…

Kim Ekin
19 Sep 2023, 10:13

It’s tough enough to build a new team from scratch at any level, but when that team will be competing in Premiership Women’s R…

Matt Merritt
30 Aug 2023, 8:58

Giant former England international Matt Banahan has been confirmed as the new attack coach of Scotland Women by the SRU.

Ian Cameron
21 Aug 2023, 10:41

Whether it’s Gloucester-Hartpury Women standing strong atop the league, the traditional team to beat Saracens Women barely insid…

Matt Merritt
25 Jan 2023, 2:32

Scottish Rugby has announced professional contracts have been awarded to 28 players, as part of its continued investment into the …

Lucy Lomax
15 Dec 2022, 8:00

Matt Sherratt didn't expect to find himself as a head coach but his humility and humour have helped with a feel-good factor at the…

Ross Harries
19 Apr 2024, 3:07

When you hear a sportsman mentioned in the same breath as Roger Federer and Lionel Messi, you know you are dealing with someone ve…

Simon Thomas
Simon Thomas
18 Apr 2024, 10:26

Leinster's signing of Jordie Barrett from the Hurricanes is maybe the standout move in this season's flurry of rugby transfers.

Neil Fissler
18 Apr 2024, 10:04

Largement battue par l'Angleterre la semaine dernière, l’Écosse effectue quatre retouches dans son XV avant d'aller en Italie.

Jérémy Fahner
18 Apr 2024, 7:06