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Pays de Galles : quatre changements contre l'Australie

Warren Gatland (Photo de PATRICK HAMILTON/AFP /AFP via Getty Images)

Le sélectionneur néo-zélandais du pays de Galles Warren Gatland, soumis à une forte pression après la défaite du XV du Poireau contre les Fidji, a procédé à quatre changements en vue du match contre l’Australie dimanche à Cardiff.

20 - 52
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Le pays de Galles, qui s’est incliné dimanche dernier 24-19 face aux Fidjiens, a enregistré une dixième défaite consécutive en test-match, du jamais-vu depuis 2003.

Pour la rencontre contre les Wallabies, qui viennent de battre l’Angleterre (42-37), James Botham et Jac Morgan rejoignent Aaron Wainwright en troisième ligne.

Le demi de mêlée Ellis Bevan et l’ailier Tom Rogers remplacent respectivement les blessés Tomos Williams et Mason Grady.


Il y a également trois nouveaux sur le banc: le troisième ligne Tommy Reffell, le demi de mêlée Rhodri Williams et le centre Eddie James.

Cameron Winnett est maintenu au poste d’arrière, Blair Murray à l’aile gauche et Max Llewellyn et Ben Thomas au centre.

Le cinq de devant reste également inchangé, le talonneur et capitaine Dewi Lake occupant la première ligne entouré des piliers Archie Griffin et Gareth Thomas. Adam Beard et Will Rowlands formeront la deuxième ligne.

L’équipe du pays de Galles pour affronter l’Australie dimanche (17h10)

XV de départ

Winnett – Rogers, Llewellyn, Ben Thomas, Murray – (o) Gareth Anscombe, (m) Ellis Bevan – Wainwright, Morgan, Botham – Beard, Rowlands – Griffin, Lake (cap.), G. Thomas


Elias, Smith, Assiratti, Tshiunza, Reffell, Williams, Costelow, James


Entraîneur: Warren Gatland (NZL)

Visionnez gratuitement le documentaire en cinq épisodes “Chasing the Sun 2” sur RugbyPass TV (*non disponible en Afrique), qui raconte le parcours des Springboks dans leur quête pour défendre avec succès leur titre de Champions du monde de rugby




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JW 5 hours ago
Scott Robertson has to take charge of his All Blacks in 2025

I feel like he'd be too happy to select people from overseas and tank the ABs as a result. I mean you gotta do it to find out, but nah, I certainly don't have enough confidence in him to give him that sort of freedom.

smith 100% plays 9 and mounga 100% plays 10

Haha yep you sound like a Razor clone, run his players into the ground without developing the next gen and tanking 2027 WC as a result.

Yes, AJ Lam was that player this year.

That's when DMac is also the biggest liability. Forced to be the playmaker is the best way he can contribute being such a tiny bloke.

That was actually one of the reasons I liked the older age bracket, it attracts the youth and also gives them somewhere to go after hs, something to capitilize on, as currently it all just dies out without an immediate or obvious step. It helps to remove a bit of the seriousness as well, which can be misplaced at that age. Sure it might be older kids that look upto it but I wouldn't change hs footy at all. Agreed though, its about the only place left with that sort of tribalism so you wouldn't want to destroy it. As there wouldn't be more than a dozen university teams hs should definitely still have cause to retain it's high following.

Haha it would certainly be cool being in that particular environment with some influence. I had a mate who worked there and said it wasn't great, but that was under the guy that got kicked out. University rugby is that stepping stone you're after 😉 thank me once you're able to pay for my time and expertise!

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