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Top 14 – Bayonne s’impose contre le Racing 92

Gaël Fickou (Racing 92) & Giovanni Habel Kuffner (Aviron Bayonnais) (Photo de ROMAIN PERROCHEAU/AFP via Getty Images)

Avec AFP

L’Aviron Bayonnais a battu le Racing 92 à domicile (35-12) pour le compte de la 7e journée de Top 14. Bayonne n’a jamais été inquiété par un Racing peu inspiré et reste invaincu à domicile.

Top 14
32 - 15
Temps complet
Racing 92
Toutes les stats et les données

Les dix premières minutes ont été dominées par un Aviron Bayonnais entreprenant, à l’image de la paire de centre Maqala / Tuilagi très en jambes.

Carreras avait même le premier essai du match dans les mains mais a oublié Maxime Machenaud au soutien à 1 mètre de la ligne et finalement commis un en-avant de passe en voulant libérer pour son deuxième soutien.

L’Aviron concrétise son bon début de match en inscrivant deux essais coup sur coup à la 32e minute. Deux minutes plus tard, après un contre fulgurant, les Bayonnais voient leur deuxième essai refusé pour hors-jeu.

« On joue trop dans notre camp, il faut retourner chez eux. Ce n’est pas assez », déclarait Nolann Le Garrec au micro de Canal + à la mi-temps.

Bayonne – Racing 92, évolution du score

Graphique d'évolution des points

Bayonne gagne +17
Temps passé en tête
Minutes passées en tête
% du match passés en tête
Possession sur les 10 dernières minutes
Points sur les 10 dernières minutes

Sireli Maqala, encore lui

Le centre Sireli Maqala est clairement l’attraction bayonnaise de ce début de saison. C’est lui qui a permis aux hôtes de marquer leur deuxième essai après plusieurs séquences de pick-and-go au près de la ligne. Décidément, il sait marquer dans tous les styles.

Santiago Carreras a ensuite marqué le troisième essai du match, son premier de la saison, avant l’heure de jeu, alors que les Bayonnais étaient en supériorité numérique après le carton jaune donné à Janick Tarrit pour plaquage haut sur Sireli Maqala.


Le quatrième essai basque a été inscrit par le remplaçant Lucas Martin sur un gros ballon porté bien sécurisé par ses coéquipiers. En force, l’Aviron est venu porter une nouvelle estocade avant le retour de Tarrit.

Si les Racingmen ont réussi à priver Bayonne du bonus offensif en marquant deux essais en fin de match par l’intermédiaire de Lancaster et Le Bail, les Franciliens sont loin du compte au vu de leurs ambitions. S’ils avaient affiché un meilleur visage sur les deux dernières rencontres, ils sont retombés dans le faux rythme et le manque d’inspiration qui les pénalise depuis le début de l’exercice 2024/25.

Bayonne – Racing 92, déclarations

Grégory Patat (manager de Bayonne)

« Je ne fais pas la fine bouche mais Bayonne a montré plus de dispositions que l’équipe adverse. Et quand tu mènes quatre essais à zéro, tu dois être en mesure de garder cet avantage. J’ai trouvé pas mal d’affolement dans la zone de marque. C’est positif de passer deux fois 30 points à des grosses écuries du championnat (La Rochelle et le Racing) mais il y avait la place pour prendre cinq points ce soir. »

Cameron Woki (3e ligne du Racing 92)

« Malheureusement, aujourd’hui, il y a très peu de joueurs qui avaient faim. C’est ça qui est dommage. C’est ça qui fait qu’on fait un non-match. C’est juste décevant. Je n’ai aucune explication. Les Bayonnais avaient plus faim que nous. »




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Easy_Duzz-it 4 hours ago
Scott Robertson has to take charge of his All Blacks in 2025

Super rugby is bleeding . when was the last year super rugby made profit ? . Real growth is determined by how much money you generate . Remember super rugby is a business first and currently it's not optimal . Australia will always be wiping boys in super rugby , they don't have the path ways that we do . In Australia union is made for private school kids and with that in mind it'll never grow bigger than what it is . And the South africans would be wiping boys again if they came back to super rugby . because the time differences is too much on the body . So super rugby as a genuine profitable product is a lie .

So what's the plan ? . It's quite simple really you cut off super rugby and stop the bleeding . put all the money back into the remaining competitions . Get the 1st 15 back on tv and have content creators at every level of the game making highlight reels for all the up and coming stars . the faster people know who players are , the interest will grow . streamers are the new stars of this generation . So NZRU should follow suite . watch these kids from 1st 15 and follow them all the way to the top . Some will succeed but most will fail . But that's the real point of interest . To see who will make it . And who wont .

Of coarse the quality of rugby will drop for a little , but once rivalries spark again . it wont take long for performances to lift and with that quality will only improve . All of a sudden the player exodus is a hoax just like covid and only our very best players leave to off shore pastures because they conquered every level in New Zealand and theres nothing left here to do .

I also have no ideas for equilibrium . I only have simple and easy solutions for the current problems in NZ rugby . You said we 20 of our best are currently off sure . Being the best means you are good enough to wear the All Black jersey . Currently only 3 players off shore would fit that criteria . Mounga , Frizell and Fainga nuku . so who are the rest ? . I also haven't read any stories about 100k offers to any up and coming talent . If there's a link you would like to share on that matter , I would definitely take the time to read it . Also don't be worried about who will play for the All Blacks and who wont . 10-15 years ago the "Tongan Thor Taniela Tupou" was a menace in 1st 15 he left to play for the wallabies . Yes he would have been a great asset for the All Blacks . But at the end of the day . Money only keeps the lights on , We only want players who want to play for the black jersey no matter where they play in the world .

We don't poses the world cup . But we are still the best in the world at rugby , of that I have no doubt . And if Razor gets his way results will follow quickly .

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SK 9 hours ago
Is the overlap dying in modern rugby?

The overlap is still very important Nick but against the Rush the difference is the overlap is a bluff and a Venus fly trap as you so aptly describe. The Nienaber rush always shows you the space out wide but if you try to take it prematurely you will pay for it. Nienabers rush relies on furious defence and an insatiable appetite to compete. It starts at ruck time where a rabid jackler slows the opponents ball or tries to steal, then a sharp shooting set of defenders with eyes only for the men on the inside flies up to make big hits behind the advantage line and reinforcing cover defence that patrols the outside is the final layer. The key to defeating this type of defence involves ways to get the ball out wider at speed and into the hands of a very fast player. Kick passes offer one solution to the rush. By getting the ball out wide so quickly that the cover has no time to respond. The other way is to earn your overlap. You have to play phases closer to source with pace and energy sucking in defenders until you have sucked in the cover. Then a simple overlap can lead to points. Argie and Ireland showed its possible against the Boks last year and Leinster lost their way in the final against Toulouse and the Bulls last year. Ireland also showed you can beat the rush on the inside against South Africa in Durban. They did this by launching first or second phases of attacks with huge numbers on the inside channels. The rush defenders did not know who to cover and then the pass goes in between the defenders with an unmarked attacker running into space. The cover comes across but its too late as the myriad of inside attackers become support runners ready to gobble up the pass after the draw and score under the sticks. The rush presents problems for any teams, it traps, it smashes and its unapologetically brash and in your face. Its shock and awe rock n roll defence designed to make the attacker pay a high price. So dont let them rush you. Play close to source and play with tempo and numbers. Attack the inside channels with runners coming at pace and then once you have sucked them in give it to the boys on the edge and let them feast on the well-earned space out wide where a genuine overlap leads to a score.

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