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Toulon ne veut pas s'arrêter là face à Bordeaux-Bègles

Gabin Villière et le RCT ont parfaitement négocié la transition Top 14 / Champions Cup et restent sur six succès de rang. (Photo by CLEMENT MAHOUDEAU/AFP via Getty Images)

Grâce à ses six victoires d’affilée toutes compétitions confondues, Toulon s’avance « avec le sourire » et des ambitions face au leader du Top 14, l’UBB, dans le choc de la treizième journée de championnat samedi soir (21h05).

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21 - 17
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Le club varois, invaincu depuis le 2 novembre, n’avait plus connu une aussi longue série de succès depuis deux ans. Un sept à la suite serait, lui, inédit depuis dix ans. L’enchaînement lui a permis de remonter sur le podium du Top 14, à quatre points des leaders UBB et Toulouse, ainsi que d’être premier de sa poule en Champions Cup.

Durant cette fin d’année réussie, Toulon a été intraitable à domicile (14 points sur 15 contre Lyon, Bayonne et Pau, une victoire contre Glasgow en Champions Cup), mais a aussi bien voyagé, que ce soit à Perpignan (22-13) ou même en Afrique du Sud face aux Stormers (24-14).

« Il y a plus de sourires à l’entraînement », a confirmé le troisième ligne Jules Coulon en conférence de presse vendredi. « On n’en parle pas forcément entre nous mais on a gagné de la confiance et c’est dans un coin de notre tête. »

Toulon n’a gagné qu’une fois sur les sept derniers voyages à Bordeaux

Suffisant pour le voyage en Gironde où Toulon n’a gagné qu’une seule fois lors de ses sept derniers déplacements ?

« Après chaque victoire, c’est un éternel recommencement. Une série de succès donne de la confiance mais les joueurs et le staff doivent augmenter leurs exigences pour ne pas tomber de haut », a prévenu le manager Pierre Mignoni.

« Mon rôle est de faire en sorte que tout le monde reste connecté, c’est difficile, mais c’est pour ça qu’il faut par moments intégrer de nouveaux joueurs pour donner un nouvel élan », a-t-il expliqué.

De jeunes éléments font donc leur apparition au sein du groupe professionnel pour aller défier l’Union Bordeaux-Bègles. Oliver Cowie (19 ans) et Joé Quere-Karaba (20 ans), l’une des révélations du Mondial U20 l’été dernier, seront du déplacement contrairement au demi de mêlée international Baptiste Serin, en attente d’un heureux évènement.


De jeunes Toulonnais avaient pris l’eau lors du déplacement à Toulouse, le dernier revers du club (57-5) juste avant la trêve internationale.

Mignoni « n’envisage pas la défaite »

« Je n’envisage pas la défaite », a assuré le coach rouge et noir. « Ce sera un grand match et l’occasion de voir où on se situe par rapport à ce qu’il se fait de mieux. C’est vrai qu’il y a de l’euphorie après ces victoires mais on a un mois de janvier capital où on peut tout perdre en Coupe d’Europe et dégringoler en championnat, donc il faut garder les pieds sur terre. »

Un message relayé également par Jules Coulon dans la foulée de son entraîneur : « On ne se dit pas qu’on est les rois du monde, loin de là. On se remet en question à chaque fois pour faire mieux et poursuivre cette série. Ça reste anecdotique finalement, ce qui compte c’est d’améliorer le contenu et de rester sur cette ligne de conduite. »

Quatrième équipe à l’extérieur cette saison grâce à deux victoires sur les terrains du Stade Français et de Perpignan, le RC Toulon connaît la méthode pour s’imposer hors de ses bases.

Le club de la Rade pourra notamment s’appuyer sur ses anciens internationaux anglais David Ribbans et Kyle Sinckler, titulaires lors des trois matchs remportés à l’extérieur cette saison, pour tenter de décrocher une septième victoire de rang.


Ce serait une première depuis le mois de mai 2014, au milieu de sa série de trois victoires en coupe d’Europe (2013, 2024, 2015).

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JW 42 minutes ago
How law changes are speeding up the game - but the scrum lags behind

so what's the point?

A deep question!

First, the point would be you wouldn't have a share of those penalities if you didn't choose good scrummers right.

So having incentive to scrummaging well gives more space in the field through having less mobile players.

This balance is what we always strive to come back to being the focus of any law change right.

So to bring that back to some of the points in this article, if changing the current 'offense' structure of scrums, to say not penalizing a team that's doing their utmost to hold up the scrum (allowing play to continue even if they did finally succumb to collapsing or w/e for example), how are we going to stop that from creating a situation were a coach can prioritize the open play abilities of their tight five, sacrificing pure scrummaging, because they won't be overly punished by having a weak scrum?

But to get back on topic, yes, that balance is too skewed, the prevalence has been too much/frequent.

At the highest level, with the best referees and most capable props, it can play out appealingly well. As you go down the levels, the coaching of tactics seems to remain high, but the ability of the players to adapt and hold their scrum up against that guy boring, or the skill of the ref in determining what the cause was and which of those two to penalize, quickly degrades the quality of the contest and spectacle imo (thank good european rugby left that phase behind!)

Personally I have some very drastic changes in mind for the game that easily remedy this prpblem (as they do for all circumstances), but the scope of them is too great to bring into this context (some I have brought in were applicable), and without them I can only resolve to come up with lots of 'finicky' like those here. It is easy to understand why there is reluctance in their uptake.

I also think it is very folly of WR to try and create this 'perfect' picture of simple laws that can be used to cover all aspects of the game, like 'a game to be played on your feet' etc, and not accept it needs lots of little unique laws like these. I'd be really happy to create some arbitrary advantage for the scrum victors (similar angle to yours), like if you can make your scrum go forward, that resets the offside line from being the ball to the back foot etc, so as to create a way where your scrum wins a foot be "5 meters back" from the scrum becomes 7, or not being able to advance forward past the offisde line (attack gets a free run at you somehow, or devide the field into segments and require certain numbers to remain in the other sgements (like the 30m circle/fielders behind square requirements in cricket). If you're defending and you go forward then not just is your 9 still allowed to harras the opposition but the backline can move up from the 5m line to the scrum line or something.

Make it a real mini game, take your solutions and making them all circumstantial. Having differences between quick ball or ball held in longer, being able to go forward, or being pushed backwards, even to where the scrum stops and the ref puts his arm out in your favour. Think of like a quick tap scenario, but where theres no tap. If the defending team collapses the scrum in honest attempt (even allow the attacking side to collapse it after gong forward) the ball can be picked up (by say the eight) who can run forward without being allowed to be tackled until he's past the back of the scrum for example. It's like a little mini picture of where the defence is scrambling back onside after a quick tap was taken.

The purpose/intent (of any such gimmick) is that it's going to be so much harder to stop his momentum, and subsequent tempo, that it's a really good advantage for having such a powerful scrum. No change of play to a lineout or blowing of the whistle needed.

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JW 2 hours ago
How law changes are speeding up the game - but the scrum lags behind

Very good, now we are getting somewhere (though you still didn't answer the question but as you're a South African I think we can all assume what the answer would be if you did lol)! Now let me ask you another question, and once you've answered that to yourself, you can ask yourself a followup question, to witch I'm intrigued to know the answer.

Well maybe more than a couple of questions, just to be clear. What exactly did this penalty stop you from doing the the first time that you want to try again? What was this offence that stopped you doing it? Then ask yourself how often would this occur in the game. Now, thinking about the regularity of it and compare it to how it was/would be used throughout the rest of the game (in cases other than the example you gave/didn't give for some unknown reason).

What sort of balance did you find?

Now, we don't want to complicate things further by bringing into the discussion points Bull raised like 'entirety' or 'replaced with a ruck', so instead I'll agree that if we use this article as a trigger to expanding our opinions/thoughts, why not allow a scrum to be reset if that is what they(you) want? Stopping the clock for it greatly removes the need to stop 5 minutes of scrum feeds happening. Fixing the law interpretations (not incorrectly rewarding the dominant team) and reducing the amount of offences that result in a penalty would greatly reduce the amount of repeat scrums in the first place. And now that refs a card happy, when a penalty offence is committed it's going to be far more likely it results in the loss of a player, then the loss of scrums completely and instead having a 15 on 13 advantage for the scrum dominant team to then run their opposition ragged. So why not take the scrum again (maybe you've already asked yourself that question by now)?

It will kind be like a Power Play in Hockey. Your outlook here is kind of going to depend on your understanding of what removing repeat scrums was put in place for, but I'm happy the need for it is gone in a new world order. As I've said on every discussion on this topic, scrums are great, it is just what they result in that hasn't been. Remove the real problem and scrum all you like. The All Blacks will love zapping that energy out of teams.

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