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La pique de Matthew Carley à Charles Ollivon : « Gardez le rythme, c’est pas le Top 14 »

Matthew Carley et Charles Ollivon

Un petit échange sympa s’est produit quelques minutes avant la demi-heure de jeu du match entre Toulon et les Glasgow Warriors dimanche 15 décembre, lors de la deuxième journée de Champions Cup.


Les deux équipes sont à égalité à cause d’un essai de pénalité obtenu par les Ecossais. A ce moment du match, les Toulonnais sont ramenés à 13 joueurs suite aux cartons jaunes de Baptiste Serin (24e) sanctionné pour antijeu (accusé d’avoir empêché les Warriors de jouer une pénalité rapidement à 5 mètres) et de Lewis Ludlam (26e) pour voir volontairement écroulé un maul.

A 13 contre 15 pendant dix minutes juste avant la pause, le RCT va devoir tenir, à moins que…

A moins que les Français ne jouent un peu la montre, mais discrètement, l’air de rien, en prenant leur temps. Sauf que cette petite tactique a vite été repérée par l’expérimenté arbitre anglais Matthew Carley à qui on ne la fait pas.

« Je sais qu’il y a deux cartons jaunes, mais vous vous êtes exprès arrêté pour boire un coup », lance-t-il au capitaine Charles Ollivon, qui ne peut qu’acquiescer.

Et avec un joli sourire qui lui barre le visage, Carley assène : « S’il vous plaît, on garde le rythme, ce n’est pas le Top 14 ! »

Et le jeu est reparti de plus belle. Grâce à deux pénalités, Domon a réussi à reprendre le score et à maintenir une avance à la pause (13-12). Malgré tout, les Toulonnais ont bien résisté à leur infériorité numérique.

Investec Champions Cup
30 - 29
Temps complet
Toutes les stats et les données

Graphique d'évolution des points

Toulon gagne +1
Temps passé en tête
Minutes passées en tête
% du match passés en tête
Possession sur les 10 dernières minutes
Points sur les 10 dernières minutes

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Spew_81 1 hour ago
'He wants players to be able to play four positions': Former All Black critiques Robertson's strategy

I’m not making it up regarding to Hansen’s intentions for the 10 jersey for the All Blacks in regards to McKenzie.

Lima Sopoaga retired in 2020.

McKenzie started in the third All Blacks vs France test in Dunedin in 2018. Hansen started McKenzie at 10 and put Mo’unga on the bench: Damian McKenzie's 24 point game! + Rieko Ioane hat trick: All Blacks vs France 2018 » allblacks.com.

Or see this article just before the match: Damian McKenzie takes hold of All Blacks No 10 jersey while Richie Mo’unga looms large | Stuff.

Damian is coming along nicely," Hansen told All Blacks TV. "He has shown he can play genuine test rugby as a fullback and the other night he put in a good stint at first-five for us.”

Hansen was giving Mo’unga a raw deal at the same time:

Hansen has indicated that Mo'unga will get a decent amount of game time, despite missing out on a starting spot. "Richie will get his shot off the bench,” said Hansen. "He has a strong ability to drive the team when he has been given an opportunity, so we are extremely confident he can do the job."

Mo’unga only got a real look in when McKenzie got badly injured and couldn’t make RWC 2019.

Hansen wanted B Barrett at 10 and saw McKenzie as the next option with Mo’unga in third place, in case of injury.

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JW 2 hours ago
'He wants players to be able to play four positions': Former All Black critiques Robertson's strategy

Yeah I agree Hansen loved Beaudy way too much. Don’t see what that has to do with your statement of Dmac though.

I think you’re doing that thing where you make stuff up to fit the current picture you’re trying to paint.

But Hansen clearly wanted McKenzie at 15 (probably to take over at 10 later, like B Barrett did). So Cruden was on the outer.

Dmac had never been used as a starting 10 at any level by the point Lima had retired. Mo’unga took over, not Dmac.

Cruden was given the 10 jersey post 2015. He got injured in his second game, lost his jersey after that, but was still second to Barrett. Yes, many thought he should have been given it back (and that he should have got it back straight qaway), but Dmac wasn’t even in the picture at this point so you’re completly off track with those statements you’ve made.

That was the only occasion Dmac played 10, he was always at 15 in that period you mention.

After Cruden as dropped, Mo’unga was the only ‘knock out game’ test 10 New Zealand had. I guess Hansen sold them the idea that McKenzie was the way forward at 10, while Foster thought he could make B Barrett into ‘knock out game’ test 10? Who knows the thought process that went on.

Good job they cleaned the Board out.

Cruden was the first five version of Ethan Blackadder, he was not dropped, he couldn’t regain his place after injury and he said that his injuries were a big factor in leaving.

Hansen had nothing to do with McKenzie at 10.

That you comment about the board in this discussion is enlightening Spew!

Nothing you’ve replied with contradicts when I said about the inaccuracy of those highlighted statements. Bias is sending you waaay off track.

The facet I could agree on (not that you’ve really made the point) would be that by delaying bringing Mo’unga into the side, and instead continuing with Lima (or Barrett if you want to make Lima 1 and Richie 2), he cut short Richies prep for RWC 2019. It would indeed be a lot of pressure to handle being given the 10 jersey a few months out from a WC.

And ofc the old clicks penchants for dual playmakers and thinking Barrett can be a 10 (you’re preaching to the choir, just with bad basis of facts).

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