4 hours ago Gallagher Premiership 'Pivotal' deal will benefit young Premiership talent
New fixed 'rookie' wages agreed for top-flight Academy players.
It's all over! The referee has blown their whistle to end the game.
Clayton Blommetjies comes on.
Angelo Davids comes off.
Jurie Matthee has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Stormers is finished off by JC Mars
Spellbinding play by Dewaldt Duvenage is finished off with a try.
This is dangerous for the defence as Wandisile Simelane bursts through to advance the Stormers attack.
This is dangerous for the defence as Will Evans bursts through to advance the Harlequins attack.
Jarrod Evans has kicked a conversion.
A wonderful passing move by Harlequins is finished off by Sam Riley
Danny Care played a key part in that try.
A gap opened in the defence and Tyrone Green took full advantage.
Harlequins make a substitution with Harry Browne coming on.
Harlequins make a substitution with Irne Herbst coming off.
Harlequins make a substitution with Will Porter coming on.
Harlequins make a substitution with Cadan Murley coming off.
Stormers make a substitution with JC Mars coming on.
Stormers make a substitution with Clayton Blommetjies coming off.
The Harlequins supporters go wild as Jarrod Evans successfully kicks the conversion.
Great hands by Harlequins leads to a try for Cadan Murley
Alex Dombrandt sets up the try.
The defensive line has been broken as Cadan Murley goes through the gap.
Angelo Davids (Stormers) is shown a yellow card
Harlequins make a substitution with Jack Kenningham coming on.
Harlequins make a substitution with Chandler Cunningham-South coming off.
Harlequins make a substitution with Jarrod Evans coming on.
Harlequins make a substitution with Marcus Smith coming off.
Stormers make a substitution with Jonathan Roche coming on.
Stormers make a substitution with Jean-Luc du Plessis coming off.
Marcus Smith hits the right post with the conversion, failing to add the two points.
Great hands by Harlequins leads to a try for Cadan Murley
George Hammond sets up the try.
The defensive line has been broken as Alex Dombrandt goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Rodrigo Isgro goes through the gap.
The defensive line has been broken as Tyrone Green goes through the gap.
Stormers sub Dewaldt Duvenage comes onto the field.
Stefan Ungerer departs for Stormers.
Stormers sub Corne Weilbach comes onto the field.
Sazi Sandi departs for Stormers.
Seabelo Senatla (Stormers) is shown a yellow card
Wyn Jones comes on for Harlequins.
Fin Baxter leaves the field.
Dillon Lewis comes on for Harlequins.
Simon Kerrod leaves the field.
Will Evans comes on for Harlequins.
James Chisholm leaves the field.
Sam Riley comes on for Harlequins.
Jack Walker leaves the field.
Leon Lyons comes on for Stormers.
Vernon Matongo leaves the field.
Marcus Smith has hooked the conversion to the left of the posts.
A penetrating move by Harlequins results in a try for Alex Dombrandt.
James Chisholm played a key part in that try.
What a run here by James Chisholm as they get over the gainline!
Paul De Villiers comes on.
Willie Engelbrecht comes off.
Gary Porter comes on.
Dave Ewers comes off.
The touch judges raise their flags as Marcus Smith kicks the conversion.
The forward pack of Harlequins will be happy with that as the rolling maul barges over for the try.
Stefan Ungerer (Stormers) is shown a yellow card
Stormers decide to make a substitution, with Andre-Hugo Venter getting some game time.
Stormers decide to make a substitution, with JJ Kotze being replaced.
Jurie Matthee has kicked a drop goal.
Marcus Smith makes no mistake with that penalty goal attempt.
The second half kicks off.
The half-time whistle blows and both teams head for the dressing rooms.
Marcus Smith does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
The pick and go results in a try for Harlequins as Alex Dombrandt goes over.
Fabulous play by Harlequins has led to Alex Dombrandt being able to wriggle through a gap.
That's a great try assist by Danny Care.
Marcus Smith does the business as their conversion attempt goes over.
The pressure has finally told as Danny Care scores from close range.
Trouble here as Luke Northmore breaches the defence.
More power was needed in that drop goal attempt by Jurie Matthee as it drops short.
Irne Herbst (Harlequins) is shown a yellow card
This is dangerous for the defence as Wandisile Simelane bursts through to advance the Stormers attack.
A gap opened in the defence and Cadan Murley took full advantage.
A gap opened in the defence and Connor Evans took full advantage.
Marcus Smith has hooked the conversion to the right of the posts.
A series of passes by Harlequins results in a try for Cadan Murley
Spellbinding play by Alex Dombrandt is finished off with a try.
A gap opened in the defence and Cadan Murley took full advantage.
Jurie Matthee kicks the penalty.
The defensive line has been broken as Wandisile Simelane goes through the gap.
Jurie Matthee has kicked a penalty goal.
We are underway as the referee blows their whistle.
New fixed 'rookie' wages agreed for top-flight Academy players.
Jake White says the South African derby between his Vodacom Bulls and the DHL Stormers - which drew the second biggest crowd of th…
Clayton Blommetjies missed a late conversion as Stormers saw their six-match winning run at DHL Stadium come to an end in a 33-32 …
Harlequins have signed former academy product Kieran Treadwell from Ulster ahead of next season.
Very much a B/devt team being fielded by the Stormers.
Given the quality of rugby they've dished up this season, the only question is how large Harlequins' victory margin will be.