14 hours ago Six Nations Personne ne comprend comment la France a pu perdre comme ça
L’incompréhensible défaite de la France face à l’Angleterre (26-25) est au centre des discussions dans la communauté mondi…
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Inscription gratuiteL’incompréhensible défaite de la France face à l’Angleterre (26-25) est au centre des discussions dans la communauté mondi…
Cinq points à savoir pour préparer le match entre l'Écosse (6e au classement mondial) et l'Irlande (2e) dimanche 9 février 202…
L'ailier du XV de France a été pris d'une crise de vomissement au début de la seconde période du match contre l'Angleterre.
L'Angleterre a eu les ressources pour marquer un essai à la 80e et battre l'équipe de France d'un point (26-25).
Yes AB respect is still there Ireland but game showed that you guys should have prepared better with some more REAL game-time before our fixture because your team seemed short of it. Good luck with LIONS in Australia Andy..... we will observe with interest from over the ditch as we also build to a 2027 RWC in AUSSIE as well! Think Joe has done his well in a short time in charge and trust that your LIONS get the real CHALLENGE you're looking for. 😃
Bring on France!
Ireland looking flat.
ABs not.
... like they're both at different ends of their seasons.
Too errors from them
Gg.... Mmmm maybe not haha
Rugby, carding things that don't get carded in soccer. Watch this turn red from some pencil necked TMO back. Yes, my knuckles are dragging
it was fair unfortunately. Jordie knew! 😗
Reiko leading the haka. Dannnnggggg
Another great match in prospect,kiwis keen to tarnish Ireland's reputation as no1 world leaders.kiwis seem to take it personal when any side ,apart from them is no1 ,especially if that side is from the northern hemisphere. Ireland could have done with a game under their belt before taking on the all blacks. Definite disadvantage though I do think they will leave too much on the park. Here,s hoping for an ireland victory.
C’mon the ABs, get in there, be clinical, get the job done 👍 just another day at the office.
Up the Irish
New Zealand by 1.
Please God.
And if an Irishman so much as farts during the haka - I’m going to write a strongly worded complaint in the comments section. Possibly convulse from outrage.